Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Day Monday!

This week I am giving a extra 10% Off at the store!  That's right you make your own sale this week! That's 30% off Retail!  Just go shop  and then message me for the 10% off your order!  Savings always makes me happy! Enjoy!


  1. Are you finally back Barbara? I've missed you! Everything seems to be in working order! Yay!...Nancy :o)

  2. No my computers are still not working right but my mom was sweet enough to loan me her lap top but now there is issues with blogger lol Makes me wonder??? lol I am working on a post will have it up tomorrow blogger providing that is. Thank you for the kind words hope your 4th was awesome

  3. My fourth was lovely but we celebrated on the 1st as we live in Canada! lol
    As for blogger...there's been an issue with commenting I know. You can leave comments with your blogger account as long as you go to your sign in page and unclick the "keep me signed in". I don't know what's going on but that solves that particular problem! I guess since it's free we shouldn't complain TOO MUCH! lol
